The NORSI General Assembly
The representatives of the partner institutions constitute the General Assembly. All partner institutions have one representative to the General Assembly to ensure a unified research school and involvement of senior researcher at the institutions. Please see list of representatives below.
The General Assembly is the ultimate decision-making body of NORSI. The General Assembly does not have operational responsibility, but survey and assure that the Executive Committee performs its duties in accordance with this Consortium Agreement and the Contract. The General Assembly may instruct the Executive Committee.
The General Assembly must meet at least once a year.
Role and decisions: The General Assembly may make decisions on matters that may affect the Consortium Participants’ rights and responsibilities. The following decisions shall be taken by the General Assembly:
- Changes to the Consortium Agreement.
- Evolution of the Consortium: Entry of a new party to the Consortium and approval of the settlement on the conditions of the accession of such a new Consortium Participant.
- Declaration of a Consortium Participant to be a Defaulting Party.
- Remedies to be performed by a Defaulting Party.
- Termination of a Defaulting Party’s participation in the Consortium and measures relating thereto.
- Changes that lead to major deviations from the Project Description or changes to this.
Voting rules and quorum: The General Assembly has a quorum when more than half the members are present or participate in the vote.
In ongoing matters that do not affect the individual Consortium Participant’s rights under the Consortium Agreement or the Contract, the General Assembly may take decisions by a simple majority provided that the Host Institution’s representative votes in favour.
Otherwise, a 2/3 majority is required. In matters regarding the termination of a Consortium Participant the Consortium Participant about which the question of termination applies, does not have the right to vote on the matter.
General Assembly representatives per institution:
The representatives of partner institutions constitute the General Assembly consist of representatives from the host institutions and coordinators.