Online PhD-course in Entrepreneurship & Strategy
When, where and who: When: June 10th – 14th 2024 Where: ORG21 is offered online (on Zoom) by NHH ECTS credits: 5 Instructors: Nicolai J. Foss, Michael S. Dahl, Peter G. Klein, Lasse B. Lien & Bram Timmermans Course responsible: Peter G. Klein and Lasse B. Lien About the course If you are interested in research at […]
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research
DATES 2023-09-06 – 2023-10-27 STRUCTURE The course is taught as a combination of physical and online meetings. The physical meetings are concentrated to a two-day session in Stockholm. September 6th: online, 10:00-12:00 September 21st–22nd: SSES Office (10-17 on Thursday, 9-16 on Friday) October 6th: online, 10:00-12:00 October 20th: online, 10:00-12:00 October 26th-27th: online, 10:00-15:00 CREDITS 5 ECTS TAUGHT AT Stockholm School […]
Digital monies for a sustainable future
About When: September 13, 20, 27 & October 4, 11, 18, 25. Where: Lund University, Sweden Points 7,5 ECTS Main category of the course Innovation and entrepreneurship Doctoral School To be offered through the Research School Agenda 2030. Course Faculty – Ester Barinaga, Dpt. of Business Administration, LUSEM – Paul Stankovski Wagner, Dpt. for Electrical and […]
IØ8902 – Innovation Research – From Origin to Current Frontier
Course Organization The NORSI course Innovation research – From origin to current frontier – IØ9802 aims to provide a set of advanced insights into the field of innovation studies focusing on theoretical developments as well as strategic innovation managment. NORSI Institutions: The course is part of Nordic Research School on Innovation and Entreprenurship (NORSI). This NORSI course […]
COURSE RESPONSIBLE: PROFESSOR TOR W. ANDREASSEN TO BE OFFERED WEEK 45, 2023 5-10 of November TOPICS The course aims to provide exposure to current topics in digital businesses and the tools required to pursue research in the domains of digitalization at large, and consumer-firm interactions. At the organizational level, the impact of digitalization is largely […]
Sustainability Transitions and Innovation
Responsible institution; Western Norway University of Applied Science- HVL Course responsible: Lars Coenen (HVL & University of Oslo) Where: HVL, Bergen When: 20-24 November 2023 7,5 ECTS Contents and structure Fundamental transitions within societal sectors such as energy, transport, water and food are required to cope with sustainability challenges that are increasingly global (and urgent) in dimension. Such transitions […]
TIK9025 – Innovation, Welfare and Policy
Course content The field of innovation studies is typically based on the assumption that innovation is good for the economy, and that more innovations will lead to a wealthier and more sustainable economy and society. Since the 1980s, the underlying idea that has motivated the field is that innovation leads to positive economic effects, such […]
Quantitative Methods for Innovation Research
Course Details When: December 4th – December 8th 2023 Where: University of Stavanger (UIS) Course code: DSV610_1 Credits (ECTS): 7,5 Name of the course: Quantitative Methods for Innovation Research/Kvantitative metoder for innovasjonsforskning Language of instruction: English Semester tuition start: Autumn 2023 Number of semesters: 1 Exam semester: Spring, Autumn Who may participate: The course is open to interested PhD candidates at the University […]
PINS9300 Sustainable Innovation: Interdisciplinary Research in Practice
Introduction Innovation is an essential part of developing sustainability. Society needs new thinking, new technology and alternative perspectives on value. This course provides candidates with a solid theoretical basis and the ability to design and implement research projects within sustainability (corporate sustainability, sustainable development, environmental management, transformation management and social entrepreneurship) and innovation (social innovation, […]
Qualitative Research Methods in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Credits: 7.5 ECTS Level of course: PhD Course type: Elective Maximum number of participants: 30 Study location: Bodø, Norway and online Course coordinator: Einar Rasmussen (Nord), Lise Aaboen (NTNU), Anna Brattström (Lund), Steffen Korsgaard (SDU) Teaching language: English Teaching semester: Spring 2024 Costs: No tuition fees. Course evaluation: Evaluation using final survey Application and registration: Time schedule: Digital one day from 10 […]