Innovation in private and public sector services (INTOP)

Faculty Sverre Herstad, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (HiNN) – Course responsible Professor Atle Hauge, HiNN Professor Rolf Rønning, HiNN Professor Lars Fuglsang, Roskilde University & HiNN Professor Per Skålén, Karlstad University & HiNN Stephen Osborne, University of Edinburgh Business School & HiNN Course details Time: August 27th– 31st 2018 Place: Inland Norway University of […]

Innovation and Sustainability Transition

Content The course offer an introduction to the topic of innovation and sustainability transitions. Students will become familiar with the foundations of transitions research, its main conceptual and analytical frameworks as well as with current debates and knowledge gaps in the field of sustainability transitions. The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity […]

Business Model Innovation and Design Thinking

Organizing institutions: The course is organized by NTNU and NHH. ECTS: 7.5 ECTS points will be awarded to students whom complete the course by NTNU. Content Business model innovation is related to how new and existing companies can create new ways to create and capture value. Business model innovation focus on how firms adapt and […]

Economics of innovation

This NORSI course is organized by University of Oslo, TIK- Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture. Dates: 16-20 April 2018 Where: UiO-TIK, Oslo Registration deadline: 15 March 2018 Faculty Confirmed lecturers for the Spring 2018 course include among others: Professor Jan Fagerberg, University of Oslo Professor Edward Lorenz, University of Nice Professor Maria Savona, SPRU, University of Sussex […]

Entrepreneurial Learning and Entrepreneurship Education

ECTS credits: 7.5 Level of course: Ph.D. course Type of course: NORSI partner course Elective for students in business or other social science disciplines studying entrepreneurship and innovation for their PhD. Faculty responsible Nord University Business School, Norway, is the institutional course organizer, in cooperation with NTNU. The course is offered by Engage – Centre […]

Research, Innovation and Impact (TIK9024)

Organization The course is part of the Norwegian Researcher School in Innovation Studies (NORSI) and it is organised by TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture and part of the activities of the Oslo Institute for Research on the Impact of Science (OSIRIS). For more information please go to the course web page at UiO. […]

Innovation in private and public sector services (INSEPP)

ECTS: 7.5 with main course paper approved or 10 with a secondary course paper approved. Background The development, provision and use of services constitute a large and growing proportion of economic activity. First, it is increasingly acknowledged that industries traditionally thought of as manufacturers of goods are providing not physical artefacts but a ‘service’ to their […]

Innovative Firm

Content The course will give the participants theoretical perspectives of major approaches to firm innovation, emphasising the constraints and difficulties surrounding firm’s entrepreneurial actions. The course aims at clarifying and reflecting upon the firm’s role in processes of innovation. Through a combination of lectures, seminars and paper writing exercises the students will be trained to […]

Innovation in Projects and Networks

Course Information Course Responsible: Jonas Söderlund, Professor, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, BI Norwegian Business School Course Institution: BI Norwegian Business School ECTS: The course (both parts together) gives 7,5 ECTS points Grading: The course is graded with pass/fail. Course Description Course Overview (PDF) Course Registration To register for the course use the BI application portal. Use the “Apply […]

Foundations and Entrepreneurship Research

Course Details Norsi Institution: This NORSI course is organized by NORD University. Information and Registration: here. ECTS credits: 7.5 Level of course: Ph.D. course Type of course: Elective for students in business or other social science disciplines studying entrepreneurship and innovation for their PhD. Duration: 11-15 February 2019 Location: Bodø. Faculty responsible: Nord University Business School. The […]