Workshop invitation
This workshop is for all future partners in NORSI that have signed a Letter of Intent (LOI).
Workshop date and time
This workshop will take place on 20 November 2020 on Zoom at 13:00 (1, 5 hours). Each institution may be participate with one or two representatives. The student representatives and alumni representative are also invited as well as our funding agency the Research Council of Norway.
Workshop agenda & workshop format
Time 13:00- 14: 30: on Zoom – see calendar invitation
Preliminary program:
1. Welcome and status update, Roger Sørheim, NTNU
2. Presentation of working groups and tasks:
- NORSI NORDIC COURSE PORTFOLIO, working group facilitator, Bjørn Erik Mørk, BI
- NORSI NETWORK, ORGANIZATION AND INVOLVEMENT, working group facilitator, Roger Sørheim, NTNU
- NORSI ACTIVITIES & COMMUNICATION, working group facilitator, Marte Solheim, UiS – presented by Gry. Alsos, NORD
- SWEDISH NETWORK, working group facilitator, Åsa Lindholm Dahlstrand, Lund uni
3. Open discussion
The purpose of the working groups is to establish a common platform for the Nordic NORSI.
Timeline and important dates until NORSI Nordic Commencement
- September – January – Working groups meet and discuss – Zoom
- November – Working groups submit deliverables – Zoom
- 20 November 2020: Nordic NORSI workshop
- 23 November 2020: Board of Directors meeting NORSI
- 28 January 2021: NORSI – Opening Nordic NORSI – Zoom
- May/June 2021 – NORSI Assembly and student conference – in person
NORSI project description
Extracts of project description listed here as a news story on the NORSI website:
NORSI 2021 -2024 In short
- NORSI 2021-2024 – a Nordic research school based on NORSI’s experiences
- In January 2021, NORSI will change its name to the Nordic Research School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. NORSI will expand on the network and continue the good practices that were established by NORSI during the years 2012 – 2020. NORSI will work to become a Nordic initiative and continue as a research school whose main task are to support and coordinate excellent PhD courses and international network activities within the research areas of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Primary objectives NORSI 2021-2024
- 1) NORSI will provide a world-class PhD training program within innovation and entrepreneurship research, thus enhancing the quality of PhD education in the Nordic area.
- 2) NORSI will strengthen the Nordic connections in the innovation and entrepreneurship research community.
- 3) Strengthen international orientation among PhD candidates by providing access to an international research arena with world leading researchers within the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Working groups
• Overview of existing courses at all Nordic member institutions
• Assess existing NORSI courses – recommendations for the way forward
• Research courses «needed»
• Potential for digital webinars – inclusion/exclusion
• Profile of NORSI consortium – what is NORSI, heterogeneous research area- research subject definition (faglig begrunnelse)
• Post-doc community/membership affiliation/network
• Research Council and NORSI – Internationalization – what are the expectations
• How to include (new) members – national initiatives:
o Sweden initiative/coordination
o Finland initiative/coordination
o Denmark initiative/coordination
o Iceland initiative/coordination
• NORSI blog and research dissemination (expectation, institutional responsibilities, regulatory)
• NORSI communication strategy (external and internal, format, platforms etc.)
Research skills activities – needs and wishes i.e. writing workshop, supervision seminars, presentation skills, policy-workshop, student conferences etc.
Signed Letter of Intent per August 2020:
Institutions with signed Letter of Intent
1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Project owner/host
2. BI Norwegian Business School (BI), Coordinator/Co-host
3. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN)
4. Nord University (NORD)
5. Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
6. UiT – The Arctic University (UiT)
7. University of Agder (UiA)
8. University of Oslo – TIK (UiO-TIK)
9. University of Stavanger (UiS)
10. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL)
11.Kristiania University College
12. Circle, Lund University (CIRCLE)
13. Chalmers University of Technology
14. Halmstad University College – CIEL
15. Jönköping University – Jönköping International Business School (JIBS)
16. Linköping University
17. Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES)
18. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Through SSES
19. Stockholm School of Economics Through SSES
20. Luleå University of Technology
21. Blekinge Institute of Technology
22. University of Gothenburg (GU)
23. University of Iceland, Reykjavík
24. Aalborg University, Denmark
25. University of Southern Denmark
26. LUT (Lappeeranta univ), Finland