- Registration deadline: 23 April 2025
- Registration: online registration form
- Course dates: 22 – 28 May 2025
- ECTS: 8
- Lecturers: Fulvio Castellacci (University of Oslo), Milena Nikolova (University of Groningen), Tommaso Ciarli (University of Maastricht), Paolo Piacquadio (University of St. Gallen)
In the field of innovation studies, it is typically assumed that innovation positively impacts the economy, increasing social welfare and leading to a wealthier society. This PhD course delves into both the positive aspects and the potential unintended negative consequences of innovation. The course draws insights from theories of well-being and social justice, and it discusses how the effects of innovation on well-being and social welfare can be studied in the light of these theories. Policymakers must navigate complex trade-offs between efficiency and equity effects of innovation when making decisions about supporting or regulating innovations, and this calls for the development of new conceptual frameworks and empirical studies in the economics of innovation. Although the theme of the course is potentially relevant for a broad variety of different types of innovations, the course will specifically focus on, and discuss examples about, automation and artificial intelligence technologies. These rapidly diffusing innovations have the potential to bring positive as well as negative impacts, and they therefore represent a relevant illustration of the conceptual perspectives presented in the course.
Hybrid mode
Participants can choose whether to attend the course physically at the University of Oslo or online.
Lecturers Fulvio Castellacci (University of Oslo), Milena Nikolova (University of Groningen), Tommaso Ciarli (University of Maastricht), Paolo Piacquadio (University of St. Gallen)
Course Structure
Participants who like to take the exam and get the credits must attend both parts of the course (Part I: Well-being; Part II: Social welfare) and submit a term paper. On the other hand, participants who do not wish to take the exam are welcome to attend only the part of the course of their interest.
Teaching schedule See teaching schedule 2025 – https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/tik/TIK9025/v25/timeplan/index.html
Examination Submit a 6,000 to 8,000-word term paper by 30 September 2025.
The course is for PhD students. Other participants (who are not PhD students) may be allowed attend the course.
Admission and Application
Submit form, PhD project outline, and confirmation letter by 23 April 2025 via the course website https://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/tik/TIK9025/.