Where: USN Campus Drammen
Date: 8-12 of May 2023
Number of credits: 5
Language of instruction: English
Course organisation: On campus
Course code (FS) OCI9000
Grading scale: Pass/Fail
Application Deadline:
Apply here:
Accommodation and travel
This is a NORSI partner course so NORSI do not cover travel expenses and accommodation for this course.
Course scope and organisation
- The landscape of open and collaboration innovations
- Closed and open innovation approaches
- Top-down (organisation driven) and grassroots innovations
- Open and closed innovation networks
- Emergent types and modes of collaborative innovation
- The essence of open and collaborative innovation studies
- Innovation environments and contexts, real-life environments
- Innovation communities and platforms for innovation
- Broadening stakeholders in open and collaborative innovation
- Role of boosters (needs, data, and procedures)
- Strategies for writing and reporting open and collaborative innovation studies
- Knowledge and competencies at a high international standard in open and collaborative innovation research that enables students to analyse and conduct advanced research in the domain of open and collaborative innovation
Academic content in course
The course aims at providing the students with the ability to contribute to the open and collaborative innovation domain by developing their theoretical and analytical competences. A landscape of open and collaborative innovation has until recently been dominated scholarly research of ‘open innovation’ and ‘user innovation’. However, a plurality of other types and modes of open and collaborative innovations such as living labs, hackathons, innovation labs, maker spaces, fab labs, ‘data and maker movements’, etc., are increasingly important. The course will have a particular focus on designing and conducting advanced theoretical studies in a field of open and collaborative innovation that embeds a multiplicity of stakeholders and explores the roles of real-life environments as a part of innovation processes. The course will be aimed especially at management students.
Nevertheless, the nature of the theoretical setting makes the course also suitable for students in other fields of business studies as well as students in the health and social sciences.
The following themes will be covered:
Required prerequisite knowledge
An introductory course on innovation management at the PhD level is recommended.
Learning outcome
After completing the course, the student will have the following competencies:
- Knowledge at the forefront to assess the relevance, application, and quality of open and collaborative innovation research
- State-of-the-art knowledge about different types and modes of open and collaborative innovation, and accordingly the ability to choose a research strategy that matches the research problem in such fields, and the current state of theoretical knowledge about their phenomenon of interest within open and collaborative innovation and related fields of research
- Knowledge about how to contribute to the development of new knowledge, theories, methods, interpretations, and forms of documentation in the open and collaborative innovation domain
- Ability to formulate and position research questions within the literature in a way that identifies knowledge gaps and relates the contribution to current knowledge
- Ability to make research choices in open and collaborative innovation that are appropriate for answering the research questions
- Capable of conducting a theory and/or empirically driven study in a field of open and collaborative innovation, including development of a theoretical research design, development of a selection framework, dealing with selection issues, preparing for and collecting relevant theoretical data such as conducting systematic reviews of papers, analysis of data sets, discussion of findings, and development of theoretical contributions/propositions/hypotheses as well as discussion of strengths and weaknesses of the student’s own research.
- Ability to evaluate research in open and collaborative innovation
- Ability to handle complex academic issues and to challenge established knowledge and practice in the field of open and collaborative innovation
- Ability to participate debates in the field in international forums
- Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of open and collaborative innovation
- Ability to assess the need for innovation and to initiate and practice innovation
- Understanding of the importance of ethics, integrity, and high academic standards in the execution of theoretical and empirical research
General competence
- Lectures
- Student presentations
- Student led discussions
- Self-study
- Final written assignment
- Preparation and presentation of a specific piece of literature related to the course theories/topics: The literature will be decided upon course start. Students must hand in the presentation along with a brief (1-2 page) review to fellow students and the instructor.
- Prepare written comment and oral feedback on the presentations of the other students in the workshops.
Learning activities
To achieve the learning goals, the teaching format of the course is intensive seminar days. For each seminar meeting, required readings (empirical and theoretical papers of open and collaborative innovation studies) will be assigned, and each student is expected to read the required readings prior to the workshop and be able to discuss the assigned literature. Active class participation is expected. Students will be asked to make presentations that reflect on assigned readings and to prepare and lead the discussions.
Coursework requirements
All students must fulfil the following requirements:
The coursework requirements must be completed and approved by the instructor for the student to be able to do the final assessment.
Compulsory activity and compulsory attendance
Participation in class meetings (eg., lectures, seminars, workshops) is mandatory. Absences are listed. Students must participate in at least 80% of all the class meetings to be able to do the final exam.
In special cases where students are not able to attend due to, e.g., sick leave, alternative assignments can be given by the instructor so that the student can fulfil the activities required to achieve all of the learning goals.
Forms of assessment
The assessment will be a take home exam where students individually must prepare a written text related to different types and modes of open and collaborative innovation, ideally embedded as a part of their doctoral work. The nature of this work will depend on the individual students’ research projects and will be agreed upon early in the course.
During the preparation of the assignment, supervision will be provided by academic staff. The length and format of the assignment will be decided based on the nature of the work and will be agreed
upon during the first intensive workshop session. If the term paper is assessed as fail, there will be an opportunity to undertake further work in order to reach the required standard. Before any further work is undertaken, the student will receive feedback on the term paper.
Examination support material
Literature (reading list)
Open innovation:
Chesbrough, H.W. (2003). The Era of Open Innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 44(3), 35-41. Dahlander, L., & Gann, D. M. (2021). How open is innovation? A retrospective and ideas forward.
Research policy, 50(4), 104218.
Huizingh, E. (2009). Open innovation: State of the art and future perspectives. Technovation, 31(1), 2- 9.
Bogers, M., Zobel, A.-K., & Afuah, A., Almirall, E., Brunswicker, S., Dahlander, L., Frederiksen, L.,
Gawer, A., Gruber, M., Haefliger, S., Hagedoorn… (2017). The open innovation research landscape: established perspectives and emerging themes across different levels of analysis. Industry and Innovation, 24(1), 8-40.
User innovation:
von Hippel, E. (1986). Lead Users: A Source of Novel Product Concepts. Management Science, 32(7), 791-805.
Bradonjic, P., Franke, N., & Lüthje, C. (2019). Decision-makers’ underestimation of user innovation.
Research policy, 48(6), 1354-1361.
Baldwin, C., & von Hippel, E. (2011). Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation. Organization Science, 22(6), 1399-1417.
Bogers, M., & West, J. (2012). Managing Distributed Innovation: Strategic Utilization of Open and User Innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 21(1), 61-75.
Living labs:
Hossain, M., Leminen, S., & Westerlund, M. (2019). A Systematic Review of Living Lab Literature.
Journal of Cleaner Production. 213, 976-988.
Greve, K., Leminen, S., De Vita, R., & Westerlund, M. (2020). Unveiling the diversity of scholarly debate on living labs: A bibliometric approach. International Journal of Innovation Management (IJIM). 24(8), 2040003-1- 2040003-25.
Leminen, S., Nyström, A.-G., & Westerlund, M. (2020). Change processes in open innovation networks – exploring living labs. Industrial Marketing Management. 91, 701-718.
Leminen, S., Westerlund, M., & Nyström A.-G. (2012). Living Labs as Open Innovation Networks.
Technology Innovation Management Review, 2(9), 6–11.
Makerspace, fab labs, innovation labs, do-it-yourself (DIY) labs
Browder, R.E., Aldrich, H.E., & Bradley, S.W. (2019). Emergence of the maker movement: Implications for entrepreneurship research. Journal of Business Venturing. 34(3), 459-476.
Hamalainen, M., Mohajeri, B., & Nyberg, T. (2018). Removing barriers to sustainability research on personal fabrication and social manufacturing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 180, 666-681.
McGann, M., Blomkamp, E., & Lewis, J. M. (2018). The rise of public sector innovation labs: experiments in design thinking for policy. Policy Sciences, 51, 249–267.
Lhost, E. F. (2020). Can do-it-yourself laboratories open up the science, technology, and innovation research system to civil society? Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 161, 120226.
Rayna, T., & Striukova, L. (2020). Fostering skills for the 21st century: The role of Fab labs and makerspaces. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 164, 120391.
Open data, participatory budgeting, hackathons
Schneider, S. E., & Busse, S (2019) Participatory Budgeting in Germany – A Review of Empirical Findings, International Journal of Public Administration, 42(3), 259-273.
Lassinantti, J., Ståhlbröst, A., & Runardotter, M. (2019). Relevant social groups for open data use and engagement. Government Information Quarterly, 36(1), 98-111.
Nikiforova, A., & McBride, K. (2021). Open government data portal usability: A user-centred usability analysis of 41 open government data portals. Telematics and Informatics, 58, 101539.
Sieber, R.E., & Johnson, P.A. (2015). Civic open data at a crossroads: Dominant models and current challenges. Government Information Quarterly, 32(3), 308-315.
Boons, M., & Stam, D. (2019). Crowdsourcing for innovation: How related and unrelated perspectives interact to increase creative performance. Research Policy, 48(7), 1758-1770
Mazzola, E., Piazza, M., Acur, N., & Perronea, G. (2020). Treating the crowd fairly: Increasing the
solvers’ self-selection in idea innovation contests. Industrial Marketing Management, 91, 16-29.
Yin, X., Wang, H., Wang, W., & Zhu, K. (2020). Task recommendation in crowdsourcing systems: A bibliometric analysis. Technology in Society, 63, 101337.
Schmidt, G.B., & Jettinghoff, W.M. (2016). Using Amazon Mechanical Turk and other compensated crowdsourcing sites. Business Horizons, 59(4), 391-400.
Questions about the course
For information about the course content please contact course responsible Professor Seppo Leminen at Seppo.Leminen@usn.no.