Emerging Perspectives in Entrepreneurship Education – IØ8907

Date & Location 2022: 
20 September (digital)
5 October (digital)
25-27 October (Oppdal outside Trondheim)
24 November (digital)

The final submission of the course is handed in on 1 December.

Application Form: Application Form – IØ8907
Application Deadline: 15th of September 2022

Registration at NTNU for external PhD Candidates:
In order to take courses and receive ECTS from NTNU you have to be enrolled as a student. Please register here: https://www.ntnu.edu/studies/researchcourses
If you have questions regarding the registration, please forward your requests to elise.irgens@ntnu.no.

Course content: The course focus on emerging perspectives in entrepreneurship education research and is targeted towards PhD students writing an entrepreneurship education dissertation. The emerging perspectives are found for instance where entrepreneurship education research overlaps with literature streams from entrepreneurship, technology transfer, sociology, psychology or education and pedagogy studies; or when new phenomena and tendencies emerge in society and education.

The first theme of the course will focus on the individuals becoming entrepreneurial and include perspectives connected to identity work in entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial mindset, and emotions in entrepreneurship education.

In the second theme of the course, we will focus on perspectives connected to the interaction between entrepreneurship education and its context. These discussions will revolve around dynamic views on how students learn in extra-curricular activities and from other actors in the university ecosystem, process perspectives on how entrepreneurship education contribute to solving societal and environmental challenges, new perspectives related to education of entrepreneurial students in other disciplines, and critical approaches to ‘standard approaches’ influencing entrepreneurship education practice from other practices.

The third theme of the course includes perspectives related to efficiency of entrepreneurship education such as approaches to entrepreneurship education from pedagogics research, the research frontiers of gender- and team research in entrepreneurship education, as well as long-term and short-term outcomes of interventions and experiments.

Course activities consist of introductions to the emergent perspectives, discussions on the implications of the perspectives for entrepreneurship education research and the involvement of participants in critically integrating or opposing emergent perspectives in their own research. The course activities will enable the PhD students to relate to the emergent perspectives and integrate this into their own work. The course also seek to initiate community building and research collaborations between the participants, resulting in potential conference abstracts that will be part of the final submission of the course.

ECTS credits: 7,5 ECTS accredited by NTNU

Faculty: Einar Rasmussen (Nord University), Karen Williams Middleton (Chalmers University of Technology), Lise Aaboen (NTNU), Per Blenker (Aarhus University), Roger Sørheim (NTNU), Ulla Hytti (University of Turku) and Andrew Corbett (Babson University College).



Date & Location

Start date: 20/09/2022
Date digital: 20 September, 5 October, 24 November
Date physical: 25-27 October
Location: Digital / Oppdal outside Trondheim