Collaborative Research Opportunity:
After the NORSI conference, and before GEOINN2020, we are going to have our 2nd NORSI Research Workshop. Following the proposals made at the previous NORSI conference, and the success of the first NORSI Research Workshop held in September, this January we hope to continue fostering the development of NORSI as a collaborative research school.
The main objectives of this session will be:
1) to activate the NORSI research groups and laying foundations for future collaborative projects;
2) to discuss future collaborative activities beyond current editorial projects;
3) to foster an internal peer-review system for work-in-progress and conference papers, leveraging our different competences and shared interests.
Everyone is welcome to join: If you have questions, suggestions, or you would simply like to participate in the organizing process, please contact Beniamino Callegari through our NORSI slack platform here.
Travel refund: The travle and accommodation to this workshop is part of your refund for the conference.
It will also be possible to register for the workshop in the same form you register for the NORSI 2020 Conference. If you would like to know, more about this initiative please click here.