NORSI Representatives/Partner Information Meeting

24 NORSI partners

This meeting is for all representatives to the NORSI General Assembly/ all partner institutions in NORSI.

This meeting is to inform all NORSI member institutions about new NORSI course portfolio and policy, travel and refund policy, student membership policy, and new member institution applications.

Key communication points from the meeting:

  • We have developed a course portfolio with 11 core courses – if you and/your institution would like to take part in one of these courses, please let us know now. We will initiate course collaboration meetings in the fall.
  • If your institution has course that could be announced as partner course in the NORSI network, please share it with us and we will publish info about it on the NORSI website etc.
  • We need your help with spreading the word about NORSI to students at your institutions. If there are PhD students that you think might benefit from taking part in NORSI, please ask them to contact us.
  • We have established a collaboration with ESBRI – communication and research dissemination.
  • We have established a collaboration with IMIT – travel refund. Due to the generous funding from The Kamprad Family Foundation NORSI may now support travel to courses and activities.
  • The organization and structure as suggested for NORSI is working with coordination of NORSI in three different units (NTNU, BI, SSES).
  • If you as a faculty would like to participate in the upcoming kappa writing seminar, please let us know
  • In general, we welcome and are very open for any ideas and new initiatives. Send it to us, and we will discuss it in the Management Team.

Meeting Presentation


Date & Location

Date: 15/06/2021
Where: Zoom