NORSI Policy and Research Workshop

The Research Council of Norway invited all NORSI representatives and students to a half-day research policy workshop on 1 June 2017 at 13:00-16:30 (Auditoriet Moser) at Lysaker (right outside Oslo).
This seminar was organized and sponsored by The Research Council of Norway, through their Programme on Regional Research-based Innovation (FORREGION).

Content and Program

The workshop focused on The Research Council’s various roles as research advisor, policy maker and funding agency, and how current research influences these processes. Specifically, discussions and lectures on the process of deciding which projects receives funding, the Research Council advisory function for research and innovation policies, and how they base their policies on current research.

Final Program (Click on links to download presentations)
12:30 – 13:00 Registration and mingle

13:00 – 13:30 Welcome and introductions
The Research Council’s role in the Norwegian research and Innovation system, Philip Lorentzen , Research Council of Norway

13:30 – 14:00 Research and innovation programmes: How are programmes created, how are they ran and managed, how does the Research Council decide which proposals to support, Hilde Erlandsen, Research Council of Norway

14:00 – 14:45 The Research Council’s role as advisor to the Government on research and innovation policy. What are the sources used to develop this advice? Randi Søgnen, Research Council of Norway and

14:45 – 15:00 Break with light snacks

15:00 – 15:30 International cooperation on research and innovation policy, OECD, EU, mv, Svein Olav Nås, Research Council of Norway

15:30 – 16:30 Case presentation with discussion on how a specific topic can have effect on policy development Thomas Lauvås, Nord University and NORSI student


Registration deadline 22 May 2017. To register for the seminar please send Birte an email.


NORSI covers travel and accommodation for all NORSI representatives and students.  More info on NORSI’s travel policy here. Please make your own travel arrangements (economy).

Date & Location

Date: 01/06/2017
When: 13:00 - 16:30
Where: Auditoriet Moser, Research Council of Norway