NORSI Book Contributor Workshop


Its time to write: Now that the agreement with the publisher is signed, it is time for the NORSI scholars involved in the book project to start working on the first drafts. To ensure quality and commitment, NORSI is supporting the initiative by sponsoring a one-day workshop open to all NORSI members involved in the book project.

Present author drafts: The workshop will be an opportunity for the authors to illustrate the current status of their drafts, to discuss issues and receive guidance from the editors, and to finalize the reviewers’ assignments. Finally, editors and authors will discuss together how to present the work in a consistent and interesting manner.

Location Oslo: The event will take place on May the 25th, between 11.00 and 17.00, in Oslo, followed by a social dinner for those who can stay for the evening.

Travel and Accommodation: NORSI will cover all flight expenses and one night accommodation for the participants who might require it. Please book your own travel (economy) and accommodation.

Registration: Participants are required to inform Beniamino Callegari ( about their attendance before May 1st 2020.

Travel Refund:

Invoice to NORSI from your institution: Please ask your “home” institution to temporarily covered your travel costs, your institution may send BI/Birte and invoice (faktura) asking NORSI to cover your outstanding travel costs with copies of your receipts. (Norwegian: Hvis ditt lokal studiested legger ut for deg så kan det lokale studiestedet fakturerer BI totalt for alle sine NORSI studenter med en totalsum for reisekostnadene. Legg ved kopi av vedlegg). Please ask your institution to specify who (your name) the invoice/travel refund is for and write NORSI on the invoice. If you have any questions about this, please email Birte Horn-Hanssen.

For direct travel refund: If you are unable to have your institution send an invoice, please contact Birte and you may send her the travel refund directly. Please not that NORSI does not issues per diem (diett penger) but will refund your food expenses, so save your receipts. NORSI does not refund driving costs (kilometergodtgjørelse). In order to receive your travel refund mail/scan in all your original tickets and original receipts (plane, taxi, bus etc.) All travel expences (economy) will be refunded after the conference.

Date & Location

Date: 25/05/2020
When: 1 day, 1 night
Where: Oslo (Place TBA)