NORSI is in June 2020 contributing to a seminar on Economic Development and Innovation for regional policy makers facilitated by Research Council of Norway.
The theme this time is recent research related to the situation we are now facing. Key words are: financial crisis and green opportunities, university and research collaborations and green technologies.
The 2 hours seminar will take place virtually on 16 June 2020 from 13:00 – 15:00. This seminar is for policy-makers invited by RCN to an afternoon of acadmic dicsussions in a management setting. The seminar is in Norwegian except for the last presentation.
Collaborative event: This time the event is a collaboration between three partners; the INTRANSIT research center, NORSI and the Research Council.
NORSI Coordinator: Beniamino Callegari, Kristiania University College
Callegari and NORSI Alumni representative.
Location: On Skype – email Birte for link.
PROGRAM (in Norwegian):
13: 00 Velkommen v/Forskningsrådet
• Presentasjon 1: Økonomiske kriser som drivkraft for grønn omstilling: Hva kan vi lære fra konjunkturutsatte næringers krisehåndtering? Taran Thune, UiO-TIK leder for INTRANSIT, og styremedlem NORSI.
Spørsmål og diskusjon
Liten pause
• Presentasjon 2: Forskningssamarbeid mellom industri og universitet: En ny modell for bedre å styre åpenhet og tilgang til forskningsresultatene,
Haakon Thue Lie, NTNU/ Leogriff og Knut Jørgen Egelie,NTNU, CIP – Center for Intellectual Property, NORSI studenter og alumni
Spørsmål og diskusjon
Liten pause
• Presentasjon 3: Diversifying in green technologies in European regions: does political support matter?, Artur Santoahla, UiO-TIK, postdoc i INTRANSIT og NORSI alumni
Spørsmål og diskusjon
Oppsummering, v/Forskningsrådet Trine Steen
15:00 Slutt