NORSI Nordic Network, Organization and Involvement – Working group meeting

Working group 2. NORSI NETWORK, ORGANIZATION AND INVOLVEMENT, working group facilitator Roger Sørheim, NTNU

Topics and tasks:

• Profile of NORSI consortium – what is NORSI, heterogeneous research area- research subject definition (faglig begrunnelse)
• Post-doc community/membership affiliation/network
• Research Council and NORSI – Internationalization – what are the expectations
• How to include (new) members – national initiatives:
o Sweden initiative/coordination
o Finland initiative/coordination
o Denmark initiative/coordination
o Iceland initiative/coordination

• Next working group meeting: 13 November 2020 at 1300-1400 on Zoom facilitated by Roger Sørheim. Calendar invitation sent out by Birte.

Date & Location

Date: 13/11/2020
When: 13:00 - 14:00
Where: Zoom